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Sjögren's & Interstitial Cystitis, Lisa

I had terrible bladder pain starting in 2019. I was fortunate to be referred to an excellent uro-gynecologist who understood my disease and had a good action plan to get ahead of it. It took three years of meds and injections combined with pelvic floor therapy. I’ve gone from injections every week, to every two weeks, then ultimately to every 6 months for injections. It does flare with stress so there are intermittent injections as needed. My advice is always ask your doctors how any new ailment might be related to your Sjögren’s and if you are not satisfied with what you hear, ask your support group or the foundation and consider finding a doctor familiar with our disease. They are out there.

Click here to read Lisa discussing Sjögren's and Interstitial Cystitis

Share Your Story

Each Patient-to-Patient story discusses a specific symptom or aspect of living with Sjögren’s. They are a unique look into how individuals manage their disease.

These stories will be shared once a month for patients to share directly how they are effectively coping with the disease and offer advice for others.

*All stories come from the patient's voice. The listing of any products does not constitute as an endorsement of those products. We strongly advise that you consult with your physician, dentist and/or pharmacist regarding your treatment plan and finding what is right for you.

To submit a Patient-to-Patient story click here.

Patient Stories