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April Awareness Day 26 - Pooja

Student Disability & Sjögren's, Pooja

I moved to Germany to pursue my dreams, even though dealing with the symptoms of Sjögren’s, like fatigue, muscle pain, dehydration, and eye swelling, has been challenging for the past two years.

Some people have doubted my illness, thinking I'm pretending or lying about being sick. But I know the truth. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I'm determined to keep chasing my dreams despite the obstacles Sjögren’s may bring.

Click here to read Pooja discussing the challenges of Student Diasbility and Sj…

Share Your Story

Each Patient-to-Patient story discusses a specific symptom or aspect of living with Sjögren’s. They are a unique look into how individuals manage their disease.

These stories will be shared once a month for patients to share directly how they are effectively coping with the disease and offer advice for others.

*All stories come from the patient's voice. The listing of any products does not constitute as an endorsement of those products. We strongly advise that you consult with your physician, dentist and/or pharmacist regarding your treatment plan and finding what is right for you.

To submit a Patient-to-Patient story click here.

Patient Stories